Westfield Heritage Park, located in beautiful Ontario, Canada, is a delightful place to visit. While not romantic in the sense of candlelight and a stroll beneath the sunset, it is fascinating to step back in time and imagine yourself in the days of the pioneers.
On many weekends there are people who are out in the fields doing reenactments. Each day you'll see people dressed in full costume, going about their business making bread, churning cream into butter, sewing and weaving, and blacksmithing. You can watch the carpenter or printer at work, speak to the trapper in the French-Canadian log cabin, or chat with one of the soldiers in the three-cornered hat.
Some of the buildings at the park were used in the Anne of Green Gables movie starring Megan Follows. I highly recommend both the horse and buggy ride after a day of walking around.

Westfield Heritage Village is a collection of 35 historic buildings relocated from various sites around southern Ontario and carefully reconstructed and painstakingly restored to their original appearance. The village sits on a 39 acre site surrounded by an additional 324 acres of unspoiled natural woodlands and meadows with several well marked nature trails.Visitors may witness living history demonstrations and take part in guided tours of the 130-hectare site which is bordered by beautiful woodlands, meadows and trails.

All throughout April I've been posting about Couple Getaways as part of the
A-Z Challenge. I hope you've enjoyed the destinations, and maybe a few have inspired you to put on your travel plans. It's almost at the end, but I do thank everyone who has taken the time to stop by.
Ann Cory
Oh this place sounds fantastic. A place you can get inspired to write..
utterly charming!
Wow, this place sounds awesome! I'll have to talk my husband into it for our next vacation. Thanks for sharing!
From Diary of a Writer in Progress
Very inspiring - and so much fun! The people there are all dressed up and it's very laid back and relaxed. :)
It truly is charming :)
You bet Gina - and it's really a peaceful and relaxing place - the atmosphere makes you long for the pioneer days.
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