It's Monday and Write Motivation check-in day! I've stayed busy and productive and am very proud of all that I've accomplished.
My March goals are as follows:
1) Edit minimum 6 pages, 4 days per week
2) Write for minimum 30 minutes 6 days per week
3) Update blog minimum 4 days per week
4) Social Network/blog comments minimum 3 days per week
5) Read minimum 30 minutes per day
6) Study craft minimum 30 minutes per day
7) Eat well, drink water, move body every day
I accomplished:
1)15 pages deep edited and 15 pages edited. I'll need to go back through the more recent 15 pages and do a deep edit on them. But that's for next week :)
2)Between two WIP's I've written 15k
Hmmm, what's with all the 15's? Weird trend
3)I generally blog 5x's a week, but give myself some room if I'm unable to do that. I've blogged everyday except Sunday this week. I try and stay unplugged more on Sundays.
4)I pop up somewhere each day, generally I keep it to small intervals of time. Too easy to lose myself in it, so I use a timer.
5)Lots of reading :) I finished Shameless, Tithe, Poison Study, and am halfway finished with Changes by Jim Butcher. Can't read enough - wish I had more time!
6)I've been in a workshop all week - so that gets counted toward my craft study. A new one starts today! Very excited :)
7)I've eaten well, had plenty of water, the exercise thing is not quite going well, but I'm working on this.

Write Motivation is a wonderful group of lads and ladies who are super supportive, inspiring, creative, talented, and highly motivating. They are keeping me on my toes. And if I'm having a low point or what-not, they help boost my spirits :) You can hang with us at #writemotivation on Twitter or stop by the above link to learn more. We'd love for you to join us!
Congrats, Ann! I need to work on the eating well, drinking water, and exercise too. Maybe that'll be next month :)
Your website is delicious! Love it!
Great job, Ann! You're doing amazing at sticking to your goals and making the most of your time. Keep up the great work.
Outstanding! I never structure my goals so simple and clear like that. I tend to say I want to get a few chapters done this week or I hope to write several chapters. LOL. Maybe if I spelled them out better I'd have better luck accomplishing those goals.
I should have included exercise on my goal list, too. I intend to include it along with all my other life goals.
Ooh, I like the structure of your goals. Congratulations on the headway you've been making! It's brilliant to include health goals.
On the note of studying the craft, I've been reading Scene and Structure by Jack Bickham, and it's helped me tremendously in spotting problems in my story. Amazing how just taking a little time to read writing books can help you become a better writer...
love the idea of setting a timer for online networking - i need to set some limits there as well. big jim butcher fan! hold onto your seat with changes; it is aptly titled.
Thanks Kenra :) I appreciate you stopping by! It's really easy for me to ignore the exercise thing - really easy, but I try and do 20 minutes of something. Key word is try ;) lol. Thanks for stopping by!!! :)
Awww, so appreciated Stacy! Thank you :)
Thanks Bridget! I took a workshop about how to make the most of my writing time and the instructor had mentioned being specific with the goals - so I've been trying to do that. I used to pretty generic about my goals before, but this way seems to have helped me get more done.
Thanks for stopping by Tam! In order for me to stay motivated I have to do things to take better care of myself. I tend to put myself last...not healthy. Have a great rest of your evening!
I'll have to check out that book thebnc - sounds like one I'd get a lot out of. Thanks for popping by!! :)
Thanks Valerie :) Yes, much as they're important - those social network sites are a big time suck! I easily lose my writing time when I get on there. I do 15 minute intervals or I don't hit my goals, lol.
I just finished the book - WOW - just WOW!!!! :)
So jealous of everyone's accomplishments :D I'm such a slow person all around I guess. :) But still, I'm proud of what I have accomplished!
Good on you for meeting your goals!
Keep it up!
*sends cookies*
Well done! You've really kicked off with an amazing start to your goals. Hats off to you, you have a level of dedication that deserves applause.
Even though it's not a writemotivation goal for me this time, I'm trying the exercising thing too. Especially since I spend 8 hours in an office all day only to go home and get on the computer or sit down at the desk with my notebook to write...
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