I wanted to thank everyone who came out yesterday to my MEA blogging day, I had great fun sharing my day with all of you and answering your great questions :) Next Monday I'll be back and offering up more excerpts and goodies.
Be sure to sign up for the Moonglade Elite Authors Newsletter to be entered for the Book-a-day Giveaway starting August 1st at our Grand Opening, along with being entered for an incredible grand prize gift basket that every woman needs!
Included in the gift basket:
A set of Ben-wah balls
An assortment of flavored oils
An assortment of small surprise packages
Three bottles of KY scented massage oil
Michael Buble CD - he's so delicious!
The Guide to Laughing and Sex
Exquisite charm bracelet handmade by Liddy Midnight as well as some gorgeous charms
A pink vibrator!!!
Non piercing belly ring to impress your man with
Naked men deck of cards
Passion Kit includes a mask and a feather and 32 page book to spark your creavitity
Spinning sex toy with suggestive suggestions
Love Potion note pad
32 page book to spark creativity!
Fetish Dice
Desire Kit, which contains a small bottle of sensual massage oil, 2
mood candles, a sexy dice game, and a tell-all book
52 Weeks of Romance box
Compliments of Moonglade Elite Authors!
I have to say...I want that basket, lol.
Back to writing I go. Everyone have a great day!
Ann Cory
I'm glad to hear it Stacy! I'm kinda jealous that I can't enter, lol.
There are things in that basket I've never even heard of. If you win, I know you'll share with me. What??!! NO. *pouts* Yeah, well...I wouldn't either ;)
A pink vibrator? O-okay... *lol* Somehow I don't find the color very... er... enticing...for a vibrator. *rofl*
Now Tempest...I'm not a pink girl either...however in the dark you could imagine it any color you want ;)
OOPS! I didn't sign in on my own blog!!! Let me try that again.
Now Tempest...I'm not a pink girl either...however in the dark you could imagine it any color you want ;)
I'm so glad you signed up Ali!! It's an awesome gift basket with all kinds of goodies. I can't wait to find out who wins. And of course, I'll be happy to take it off anyone's hands *BG*
Wow, that's an awesome prize! Someone is going to be very happy.
What a wonderful basket of prizes! Keep those great book headed our way!
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