I'm sure everyone knows this by now - as I pretty much shouted it from the rooftops, lol, but I had a novella accepted by Ellora's Cave. Since I'm changing the title a bit, I'll announce the official name soon :) I'm super psyched about this and have been tossing around confetti, chocolate, and all kinds of sparkly, shiny, blue bits all over the place. I apologize for wherever it has landed. *BG*

Another acceptance is a shared collaboration with Brenda Williamson in Celtic Love Knots from Whiskey Creek Press. Our stories are both Celtic themed and of course HOT HOT HOT! My story is titled "Beyond Green Man's Gate" and hers is "Bedding a Mermaid" - I'll let you know when it will be out! Double the heat - double the trouble *BG*
Since I know you are dying to find out - here are the winners of Tainted - LIZ and SHUCK YING!!! Congrats :) Email me at anncory_erotica@yahoo.com with BLOG WIN in the subject line and which format you'd like - HTML or PDF :) Thanks so much for posting!
This week's prize is my latest paranormal erotic treat Spoiled Candy, which is part of the All Hallows Eve line now available from Venus Press. Just post this week and 2 winners will be announced next Monday right here on my blog. Good luck!
Men and chocolate make for a very Spoiled Candy
One bite and you will be addicted.
Hauntingly sinful pleasures arrive in a unique box of chocolates on
Halloween. With each scintillating treat Candy consumes, the soul of a
man is released. As a reward they offer her a lifetime of personal
satisfaction. Whatever, whenever, and however she wants.

5 Lips for Spoiled Candy from Two Lips Reviews!
~Spoiled Candy is possibly the perfect erotic Halloween tale. Ann Cory,
whose imagination indeed seems boundless, has whipped up a
scintillating, sizzling, story sure to spoil any reader. Certainly this
reviewer has been spoiled! For lovers of chocolate and lovers of deep
erotic sensuality beyond the boundaries of the routine and jaded, this
is THE story for Halloween delight! – Reviewer Frost
Full Review
Question of the week - Sure the hottie below looks innocent now, but I've heard he becomes somewhat of a beast in the bedroom. What do you think he likes best to do the rough and tumble on? A) Silk B) Satin C) Egyptian Cotton D) Hardwood floors E) bathtub or F) faux fur rug *hey - I don't do fur*

Coming up this week at The Story Board -
This week our showcases include the talented Louise Bohmer, the authors of The Wild Rose Press, and the authors of Silks Vault! Come show your support and get hooked on some hot new books!
Today is of course my MEA blog day - so pop over and check out hot pics, read some poetry, join in the games, and leave a post! Our ultra cool scavenger hunt is still going strong, but time is running out - so make sure you read those clues!! Even more good stuff coming from the Moonglade Elite Authors in November - so make sure you check back often!

So out of boredom while I was feeling under the weather, I snatched up a couple magazines for some mindless reading. Can we say give me a break? Will someone please explain to me about these celebrity women and their freaky eyelashes? Like each eyelash is individually coated in mascara and fanned out all funky, way up high so that their eyelids are missing - and what is up with the doe-eyed expression? I don't get it. It used to be I wouldn't mind looking like some of the lovely ladies, but I don't feel that way anymore. I'd rather eat, look normal, and keep my brain. It's disappointing. Meanwhile - the guys just keep getting more and more gorgeous - hello!

My son will be having a 4 day weekend due to teacher's conferences - so we'll be getting in some hangtime - which is actually kind of nice. We'll be racing against each other in the CARS PS2 racing game. Seriously, I kick butt, lol. I can't wait to talk with his teachers :) So far he's fairly certain of all his grades except one. I'm really proud of how well he's doing in his guitar class. Over the weekend we found a nice guitar at a reasonable price with a case included. We decided Christmas is too far away and had to snatch it up, lol.
This week is full of catching up, edits, an interview, writing, organization, back to the gym, and of course - play time with my son. I'm really looking forward to Halloween - it's my favorite holiday! The gym part is just a necessary evil!

Okay - guess I better get back to work. Hope everyone has a fantastic week!

question of the week-definitely a bath tub guy
Definitely an Egyptian cotton guy.
Hello Ann,
This was a fun read. I enjoy reading your blog posts :)
Question of the week. A.) He looks like silk type of guy ;-)
LOL @ the question!
He looks like he could get a little freaky. Definitely hardwood floor!
Congrats on the great review!
With Love,
Tara M.
Congrats on you book acceptance at EC.
Thanks for the prize Ann. I'll email you shortly.
What a cutie...I pick all the choices because he can be all of them, lol.
lol definite a silk sheet type of man. Glad your feeling better
MEGA CONGRATS on the Ellora's Cave sale! That's FANTASTIC! Yay!
And the guy looks kinda silky to me! ;)
Congrats on your new book with EC. As for the question of the week...is it a trick question? I would say all of the above but if I have to pick one answer I guess I am going with Silk.
Egyptian cotton... no doubt about it. ;)
Have a great week Ann! And come enter my costume contest if you have a minute. ;)
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