Thanks to everyone for the birthday cards, pictures, butterflies, and to those who joined my at The Story Board. I had a great time with everyone!
I haven't really gotten much done, but I've written some new poetry, and poetry is one of my favorite hobbies, so I guess I can't complain too much.

Don't forget I'm at the MEA Blog today. Yesterday we had the lovely Rene Waldon from Forbidden Publications as a guest speaker, and on the 22nd we'll be having the reviewers of Two Lips Reviews with us :) We're now halfway through with our awesome Moonglade Elite Authors Scavenger Hunt!. There's still time to jump in and figure out the clues :)

Before I go further, let me announce the winners of A Haunting in the Cathouse - from last week's blog contest! The winners are: ROBYNL and JOAN so please send me an email to anncory_erotica@yahoo.com with BLOG WIN in the subject line and let me know if you'd like PDF or HTML:) CONGRATS ladies!
This week's prize is a copy of my vampire short Tainted. Just post on my blog this week and you'll be entered to win! 2 winners will be announced next Monday :) Good luck!

Coming this Wednesday, October 18th is Spoiled Candy. Men and chocolate - one bite and you'll be craving more.

I just found out today that Bard of Bristol is number 5 on the top rated erotica list at Fictionwise. Jewel from Midnight Showcase sent out a post on it. Wow - I had no idea. So, thank you to those who have read it and voted favorably, it sure means a lot to me.
Let's see, oh, tomorrow at The Story Board will be some authors from Ocean's Mist Press posting excerpts about their releases. Also this week, on the 20th, will be the Vegas Magic Authors from Cobblestone Press, so if you aren't a member yet, please sign up soon so you don't miss all the great events we host!

I am also happy to share that my story Snowbound was picked as one of the ten stories to be included in Whiskey Creek Press Torrid's Best of Torrid Teasers Vol. 1. It will come out in January 2007 in both ebook and print! I'm very excited about that.
My October Newsletter is out, packed full of goodies for you. Winners of my contests are announced inside. If you haven't signed up, just click Here.
Well, the days have been a blur, but my one cat has been extra spoiled sitting on my lap. Now he thinks he's a permanent fixture, lol. I haven't tasted anything, except port, lol. Been watching a lot of movies and balled my eyes out watching Eight Below. That movie was made to make me cry. It was good, but I'll never watch it again, I felt emotionally exhausted after it was over, lol.
Question of the week:
If ice cream were smeared all over this man's stomach, and you were forced *like that would be tough* to lick it off, what would be your flavor of choice?

Okay, after seeing that picture I think I'm hallucinating, lol. I better go lay down.
Hope you feel better.
Happy Belated Birthday.
I love vanilla and it would be yummy on your eye candy buff body.
How yummy, mint chocolate chip please.
Aww Ann I am ss you are sick that really sucks. I hope you feel better soon :)
If ice cream were smeared all over this man's stomach, and you were forced *like that would be tough* to lick it off, what would be your flavor of choice?
Answer: I love Mint Chocolate or Strawberry :-)
Hope you feel better soon.You have the best eye candy and I'll take chocolate with him.
:wince: I hope you're feeling better, Ann! Autumn colds are bad. Well, to be honest, a cold anytime is bad. May you find a tissue sale when you go out to the store next time, so you can stock up at reasonable rates.
As for this guy, he definitely looks like a Chocolate Raspberry Avalanche type. LOL
Hope your better soon. Nice pic as always
Hope you feel better soon. I've had the flu since your party too. It sucks
Love the hunk pic
Hope you feel better! The flu sucks!
To answer your question: Chocolate...yum...to the chocolate and the guy! LOL
With Love,
Tara M.
I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Being sick totally sucks, so I'm hoping that you recover quickly!
Oh, and did I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you? If I didn't, I'm terribly sorry! :( So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Did you say it was on the 8th? That was my hubby's b-day too. :)
Anyway, take it easy, okay?
I hope you're feeling better soon, Ann, and a belated Happy Birthday!
Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well, especially on your birthday.
I absolutely pralines and cream. I've never licked it off a hot bod before. Might be fun. :-)
Lisa - Thank you :) *hugs*
Deborah - Thank you hon! I'm still tossing confetti, lol
Shuck - Vanilla is my favorite too - and I'd happily lick it off his bod - yowza!
Tam - I've still got a nagging hacking cough going on - and a little bit fatigued - but it's almost gone. It doesn't seem to want to let go yet - separation anxiety maybe? lol. Hope your hubby is better soon too!!
Billie - True words - I don't really need any incentive to tongue his flesh ;)
Cathy - ahh - mint chocolate chip - I used to eat that stuff by the pint. I'm adding it to my list today, lol *hugs*
Linda - mmmm strawberry :) My grandpa used to call me his strawberry shortcake because I'd help him pick the strawberries in his garden - so strawberries always put a smile on my face :)
Tehya - awww, thanks sweetie :) Chocolate it is - smeared all over his body - yummers!!! :) Maybe some whipped cream too, lol Missed you too!
Stacy - thanks hon - I hate being sick - I get nothing done with my head all shrouded in uckiness. I know - what a chore eh? Butterscoth - I'm getting hungry!!! lol
Estella - LOL thanks - he is luscious to look at :) More votes for chocolate - chocolate is a staple in my diet!
Liddy - *squee* Hiya sugar! BiMart actually had a sale on tissues - so I stocked up big time!! I figure I'll be hit with round two by Christmas. Wow - chocolate raspberry avalanche - holy crackers I didn't even know they made something so decadent! I've gotta try it!!! :)
Pam - Thank you so much sweetie!
Jenn - well woman - you are famous - on the island *or so I've heard* lol - so of course I had to mention you! Plus - I knew your answer was Mark Wahlberg, LMAO! I'm almost over the nasty flu bug, thankfully! :) *hugs*
Liz - oh no! I hope you're feeling better - did I give it to you? You know these darn cyber viruses - they infect your whole system! Sending you germ free hugs and get well wishes!!!
Ali - Hi sweetie! Thank you so much :) It's been a good month - October is my favorite month, even with the flu - and it keeps getting better. Now how to figure out keeping it October for another 3 months, lol. I hope you are doing well! MUAH!
Tara - you got it - chocolate - and I have a feeling it will be even more tasty on his skin :) Whew - it's getting warm in here!
Y - Thank you and happy birthday to your hubby as well! Wow - that makes 5 people I know who share a bday that day - WOO HOO!! :) Being sick does suck, and puts me even more behind.
Cora - Aww, thank you so much hon! What the heck have you been up to? Now that I'm better I have to come visit! I didn't want to share any nasty germs with anyone.
Lyric - Oh gosh - pralines and cream - I just had that the other day - another one of my absolute favorites :) Excellent choice!!
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