In case you can't get enough of me, there's a fabulous interview over at Two Lips Reviews where I am featured for the month of November! I promise I didn't pay them and I was even on my best behavior. Quite a feat, I know.

I'm almost finished with getting my newsletter together, so expect that to be out sometime next week. Currently my newest contest is up where you can win a Butterfly Kisses Holiday Goodie bag filled with all kinds of holiday goodies :) For all the important information, click Here

New News from Moonglade Elite Authors - we have a brand new author with us :) Doreen Orsini!! I think she's the bee's knees. There's no doubt that she fits right in with the rest of us and we're thrilled to have her! I hope you'll pop over and say hi to her, help make her feel welcome.
I have a feeling you'd like to know who won last week's mini blog contest. Should I tell you now, or make you wait? Okay, okay, I hear ya - I'll wait.
LOL! Just kidding. The winners are .... IRISHEYEZ and LADYVAMPIRE2U!! Congrats to you both :) To receive your copies of Spoiled Candy please email me at anncory_erotica@yahoo.com with BLOG WIN in the subject line.
Finally there are some movies out for the whole family. I definitely want to see Flushed Away and I'm going to have to see Santa Clause 3. I read the reviews, but I've seen the other two and so I have to see this one. It's sort of a tradition. I'd also like to see The Prestige, but may have to wait for it to come out on video. I also want to see A Good Year with Russell Crowe - hot momma! I love to see him smile :) He looks very sweet on the trailers. And Stranger Than Fiction looks funny too. It seems November/December are the times to go see movies now and not during the summer. Anyone seen Borat? It's been getting a lot of hype and great reviews. I must say my curiosity is piqued. Anyhow, I think this weekend we'll see Flushed Away.

Question of the week: If you had to, and I know this is very hard to imagine, but if you had to spend a week with the guy below - where would you want to go?
A)Bahamas B)Any beach will do C)Vacation? Forget about it - he's going to be chained to the bed D)Somewhere in Europe E)My own personal Garden of Eden F)A deserted island, forever and ever G)A luxurious cabin in the woods H)Somewhere no one will ever find us I)Other - but you have to say where ;)

This month at The Story Board:
November 3rd - Lyric James
November 4th - Sophia Danu
November 6th - Crystal Ordonez
November 14th - Marie Rochelle
November 16th - A special Reader Appreciation Day
November 18th - Jalena Burke
November 21st - Authors from Mardi Gras

Authors - there are still plenty of days where you can sign up! Just go to the group and sign up in the Database. You get a whole day all about you to promo to your heart's content, gather some new readers, and let loose! Readers - it is a great way to find some new books for your cyber shelves :)
**Also - especially for Authors - If you'd like to sign up to be part of the Reader Appreciation Day - email Madison Chase (author_madisonchas e@yahoo.com) ASAP to let her know you'd like to join in. If you'll provide a one paragraph bio and information on prizes you'll be giving away, we'll post that to the loop before the event. In a few days I'll send out a blurb about the event so that you can share the info with your readers. Limited to the first 50 authors who sign up!
Here's a great holiday joke that i just had to share:
A woman goes into a tattoo parlor and tells the tattoo artist that she wants a tattoo of a turkey on her right thigh, right up just below her bikini line. She also wants him to put Happy Thanksgiving under the turkey. So the guy does it and it comes out looking real good.
The woman then instructs him to put a Santa Clause with Merry Christmas up on her left thigh. So the guy does it and it comes out looking good too.
As the woman is getting dressed to leave, the tattoo artist says, If you do not mind, could you tell me why you had me put such unusual tattoos on your thighs?
She said, I am sick and tired of my husband complaining all the time that there is nothing good to eat between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
*snicker snicker* It's a good one, don't you think?

You know, since the holidays are coming up, I find myself in a very giving mood. I'm going to do another blog contest where you can win yourself a book thong! What terrifyingly difficult task will I have you do in order to be eligible? How much torture will I put you through? Since you asked, I will tell you. In order to be eligible to win a book thong - you have to post this week. I know it's a lot to ask, but I have a feeling you can do it. I will announce the winner here on my blog November 15th. Post = entered. Easy squeezy!! The second contest starts on the 16th and the second winner will be announced November 30th.
So what have I been up to? Besides working on my newsletter, I've also been doing a lot of edits, a little writing, and redecorating the house. My edits usually come at the same time, and last week was no exception. I have a love/hate relationship with edits - so I usually come away with a few less strands of hair, lol.
It's been raining a lot here. Very gray, and somewhat cold in the mornings. Speaking of rain, my next book to come out is Blame the Rain, from Samhain. It's a shortie with a release date of November 28th. For a little more about it and an excerpt, go ahead and click Here.

If you want to check out a really fun newsletter, than check out Romance Junkies Haunted Newsletter! I spent about an hour there just because it's so much fun! If you have some time to kill - pop on over:) I have a contest going on in it, but you have to find it, lol.
Oh, I almost forgot, we have some great new things to buy from ourMoonglade Elite Authors Store! Bumper stickers, journals, ornaments, and a candle - with more beautiful things on the way including intimate apparel, mugs, calendars, and tshirts. My favorite are the "Sexy and Loving It" bumper stickers!

Gosh, I feel like there's more I want to tell you - but I guess I'll save all that for my newsletter! Everyone have a fun but safe weekend!
Love this week's hunk. I would pick G, a cabin in the woods. And I agree about the Haunted House contest - it was a blast.
oh I can't wait for your newsletter!! I thought it got by me:)
I can't wait for your newsletter, I thought it got by me:)
H-Where no one can ever find us.
Oooo, Cathy likes a cabin in the woods with hunky boy - nice choice :)
Another vote for that cabin in the woods. This is of course a very luxurious one and very secluded ;)
The newsletter will be out by Thursday - though most likely Wednesday evening :)
LOL@Estella - aha! You're going to snatch that boy up and spend the rest of your days in bed. Now that's the spirit!! *hugs*
He has nice a$$ets - doesn't he Jenn?
Don't worry about being deleted from Yahoo - you can resign up without having Yahoo - I'm not a fan of yahoo anymore.
rofl I like the deserted Isle. You have the beach, him and nobody around. I also had a blast doing the RJ newsletter
I go for a cabin in the woods, yippee!!!
Love book thongs; great prize.
How about a cross between g and c and we can take turns being tied to the bed.
Enjoyed reading your interview at Two Lips Reviews and the joke was very funny. Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving. Do you have a tattoo?
HI Pam :) Wasn't that newsletter a blast! RJ always does fun stuff like that. Deserted island is my choice too!
Thanks Robynl :) I love book thongs too - much prettier - though my cats like them too, lol
LOL!!! Susan - ah - sounds like a plan :)
Thanks Joye :) No tattoo - but I want one. I think it would be a butterfly, though. It's the only thing I can think of that I'd never regret having put on me permanently.
LOL@Beth - they all sound good, eh? Hmmm, you know, I have to agree with you on that!
I think I would have to go and buy me a island somewhere where no one could disturb us. This is a great picture of the guy.
LOL! Okay - now Loretta has it going on - purchase the deserted island where no one knows where it is and that guy is yours!
Oh yeah!!!! :) *hugs*
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