I wanted to quickly announce the winner of the book thong - so congratulations to AMANDA ANN - please email me at anncory_erotica@yahoo.com with BLOG WIN and your snail mail addy!
ALSO - another winner announcement is CATHY with her ab constellation name for the sexy hunk. Cathy, email me at anncory_erotica@yahoo.com with STAR in the subject line and I'll send you either a gift certificate or book of your choice!

New December Contests. The first runs from today to the 15th, and the second runs from the 15th to the 31st. To enter, you simply post on my blog during that timeframe! Two winners will be selected for each contest. Prizes include:
A beautiful book thong

and a copy of one of my holiday ebooks!

While we're on the subject of contests, my December Focus on Me contest is now up! Click Here to check it out! I mean really, who doesn't like to win stuff?
Question of the week: How many candy canes and what flavor? Now think about that question real good - there's only one place to hang candy canes on this hot hunk ;)

I received 2 new reviews this week that I'm very excited about!
Sensual Reads and Reviews had this to say about Melting Iron
Ann Cory has written a wonderful story on how duty can ruin you, and Love can save you. I truly love the setting in this story. I am always looking for a great romance the takes me back in time. If you like times travel Romance Novels this is one you’re sure to enjoy.
Reviewed by Deb

Fallen Angel Reviews gives 4 Angels to Dressing the Empress
Dressing The Empress is a quick read offering an erotic spin on the classic fairy tale. With an Empress that is so driven and obsessed with her appearance, readers will enjoy the humor that Gustav has at her expense. Ann Cory did a nice job at bringing the Emperor’s New Clothes into the adult world of erotic fantasy in the form of Dressing The Empress.
Reviewed by: Shayley

This weekend our new couch will be delivered and we are totally stoked about it! I haven't been able to sit with my hubby for over a year now, instead we've sat in separate chairs and I've missed cuddle time. It's a reclining couch too, so we're going to be real comfortable watching movies in front of the fireplace :) We're also hoping to go watch Santa Clause 3 in theaters. I heard it isn't very good - but I've seen the other 2 on the big screen, so it's become somewhat of a tradition.
Okay, today is finishing up edits! Everyone have a fabulous weekend!
Congrats to the winners!
Only 1 candy cane and who cares what flavor it is, hung on that hunk!!
Thanks so much Ann.
Congrats Amanda and Cathy - you lucky ladies!! And congrats to you Ann as well, on those 2 wonderful reviews.
And now I'm off to check out the FOM contest.
congrats Amanda and Cathy.
In my mind's eye I say there would be at least 6 candy canes that could be hung which would make for a variety of flavors.
Hello Ann,
Congrad's Winners. You lucky winners :)
Now there are so many flavors for candy canes but my choice would be chocolate. And a place to put it hmm I could say something but I will be nice this time *G* Any where on that hunk would be a good place as long as it's on him and I can eat it off of that hunk. Ann you sure know how to pick the hunks huh? LoL
Congrad's Ann on those wonderful reviews.
That is a gorgeous bookthong hun.
Happy Holidays Everyone.
Enjoy the new couch Ann! Hope you and hubby get lots of cuddle time in!
Enjoyed reading the blog. That's a really nice book thong, did you make it? I made some for all of my reading buddies for a Christmas present.
Hope you have a Happy Holiday with alot of time to read.
Oh man....is that guy ever hot!
Congrats Ladies!
That's great about your reviews Ann. I love the book thong. I watched the Santa Clause movies on video so I'll just wait for the release of the third too. That guy has one hot body I wonder if his face matches but then again it doesn't matter,lol. Have a great day everyone.
Great blog. Any candy cane will do. You don't really need one with a hunk like that to lick.
Great reviews! As for candy canes, well sign me for a whole box and I dont mind the flavor.
Lol - Estella :) That ought to be a very BIG candy cane, then ;) lol. I agree - who cares about the flavor, lol He can be my flavor of the month!
You're very welcome Cathy :) Thanks for stopping by here!
Thank you abookwork about the reviews :) Do enter the FOM contest - it's always fun to win something!!!
Lol Robynl - 6 candy canes - mmmmmm, must be very well hung - err, the candy canes I mean ;) lol
I'd like a little raspberry, chocolate, whipped cream - oh my mind is wandering again darn it!!!
*snicker snicker*
Thanks Linda!! Chocolate is always my first flavor of choice - yummers :)
If this santa ever came down MY chimney - he'd never leave!
Thanks Mia :) Oh the couch is sooooooo lovely and very comfortable - almost too comfortable, lol.
Snuggletime is my favorite :)
Hi Joye :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! Sadly I didn't make that book thong, but starting next month I'm going to start making my own :) Hope you have a lovely weekend!!!
Hey miss Cheriej :) A nice big candy cane hanging off the end of his nice big....
Whew - it's getting warm in here!
Hi Laurie!! Mmmmmmm, champagne and candy canes - now that is a breakfast of champions :) I'd lick that right off his abs and other parts *BG*
You know your flavors :)
I agree Elizabeth - they just don't look like that where I live, lol
LOL Dena, I have a feeling he's got a nice looking face, but I'm so distracted by other things...lol
The first Santa Clause was definitely my favorite. The 2nd had sweet moments, but I didn't really feel they needed a sequel. I do like Tim Allen, and it's family entertainment so I watch them.
I hate to admit it, but I also really like Elf :)
Welcome Rommaz - I'm so happy you stopped by!! Yeah, I don't really need any incentive to lick this guy - whatever he's got - I'll happily sample!! :)
Thanks so much Ellie!!! Glad you passed by here :)
Thanks Alissa :) Good reviews add an extra spark to my day!
Thanks so much Pearl - it is pretty, isn't it? I love book thongs - they are so pretty!!!
LOL Zoe!!! I don't know that I want to share this guy, lol. I suppose I can let you borrow him for a night.
Heh Ladyvampire2u - a whole box? Dang girl, I think I know what kind of appetite you've got going on :)
So happy you could be here!!!
rdcicon - wow - I'm so glad you could visit me here, and all the way from South Africa!! Well - I will indeed have to express the luscious hunk over to you right away! He's all warmed up and ready to go, lol.
wow that guys abs are fantastic. Congrats to the winners
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