Yesterday it started out with a light drizzle, but by 5:00pm it was a windy and the rain was coming down hard. I started dinner early, and it was a good thing considering we lost power soon after. For several hours it was actually nice - the room aglow in candlelight and so dang peaceful. Hubby and I cracked open a bottle of wine and my son happily played on his Nintendo DS which has a lit screen. Around ten I was getting a little restless, though. It's one thing to not want to go on the computer, but it's another thing entirely when you want to but can't, lol. I hoped the power would start back up before I went to bed, but sadly it was out all night and was restored a little before 7am. Just in time for hubby to get going to work and just a little too late after the schools had been declared closed for the day.
So my son got an unexpected day off - sigh. Just what he needs with a 2 week Christmas vacation coming up soon.
Anyhow, today has just been chaos from the getgo and I'm not feeling too good. Can you really party too hard online? I must be old if I feel hungover and disjointed after a rocking cyber party, LOL. Ah well, it was totally worth it and I can't wait for the next one!! I am a glutton for punishment, what can I say? I mean - I only had one of each of these cyber drinks, come on? Can I be that much of a lightweight?

So let's see - I have a feeling some winners would like to be announced. I don't know why, you just get some prizes is all ;) lol. Okay, well the blog winner of a book thong and a copy of one of my holiday books is ABOOKWORM!!! Please email me at with BLOG WIN in the subject line and which holiday book you'd like: Holiday Voices Digest or Seducing Santa!! CONGRATS!!!
The second part of the blog contest starts today with this post - just post sometime between now and the 31st and you're eligible for a handcrafted book thong and a copy of one of my holiday books. Tis the season of giving :)

I actually have part of my Christmas shopping done - but still more to do, and hubby's bday is on Friday - so I still have much to do. I swear the weeks are cruising by even faster than usual. Don't you agree?? I know, it feels that way every years, but I don't know - it just feels even more swifter than normal.
I just received my first edits for my Ellora's Cave novella Next Floor Naughty so that is THE project for the next couple of days. My only fun this weekend will be going to the zoo where they set up some incredible lights and it all looks so pretty. I haven't been in ages, so I'm really looking forward to it! If you're curious, here is the link to the event! ZOOLIGHTS. I soooo can't wait to ride the train :)
Let's see, what else is new. Blame the Rain is currently on the Bestseller list at My Bookstore and More.
I received a very nice review from RRT Erotic Reviews as well:
One incredible night holds the possibility of changing lives in BLAME THE RAIN. Maxwell’s wealth attracts mostly shallow women only interested in his money, but a few minutes with Sable convinces him that she is just the kind of woman he was beginning to think he’d never find. Sable has had a very rough time of it and is not an optimistic person, but something about Maxwell makes her think about changing her attitude. The attraction between them is immediate, and irresistible, and the sex scenes are both hot and emotional. An engaging short story, be sure to look for BLAME THE RAIN.
~Reviewer Jennifer Bishop
You know that nice review made my day *BG*

Since you've been so patient, I'll go ahead an announce the winner of name Mr. Abs!!! lol. It was really tough because you all came up with some excellent suggestions! I thought about my character, how he acted and his personality, and came up with the feeling that Cherie J's suggestion of long black hair and silver eyes, named Saber suited him best. So Cherie J - email me at with SABER in the subject line and your snail mail addy so I can send your winning gifts! Congrats :)
Question of the week: What is the naughtiest thing you did all year? Or were you just plain nice! Maybe someone naughty will get a gift, or maybe I'll pick from the nice list.

I'm off to bake an apple pie and get back to my edits. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! *tossing confetti*
I'm first!
I guess the naughtiest thing I 've done all year is not tell my husband HOW MANY books I've purchased this year.
congrats to ABOOKWORM and CherieJ for winning. I love the book thongs.
I've been nice(that is as compared to naughty). LOL.
I've been nice. In fact, I've been nice for far too long. Perhaps I should decide to be naughty in 2007. I just might be too nice to think of something naughty to do though. Hmmmm....I'd better go read some more books for some ideas.
Well, I've been nice during the year... but I've also been very naughty. ;)
Hope you and your family have a WONDERFUL festive season.
First off my congrats to you for making the bestseller list. Of course if it was up to us fans, you would make top of the charts with every new release.
Naughty or nice? Hmmmm. Okay, I will tell you I was about 75% nice but for the 25 percentage of naughty... Well I've been secretly saving up and arranging things for a big surprise on Christmas. Its a trip I better add, amung other things. I had to be secretive and unsuspecting for the last 6 months but am glad the jig is up in another day or two. Hard to be sneaky around those you love.
Here's wishing everyone all the best this Holiday Season. May the magic of the holidays be with you not only now but in the New Year as well.
I guess the only time I have been naughty this year was whenever I went to my favorite authors websites and they have these naughty pictures posted up for us fan and I just have to look at them and hope to received one for a Christmas present, which didn't happen. lol
I want the truth TJ
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