Today I'll be at the Moonglade Elite Authors Blog posting some fun stuff, a couple hottie pics, excerpts, and more! I can't wait to find out who the winner of our grand opening gift basket it - we should know soon!

Our newest exciting venture at Moonglade Elite Authors is our beautiful candle:

I LOVE the colors - soft blues. We're working on a fragrance that will be added to it :)
Vampire Hunter: Book 1 - Vintages is up for Book of the Month. Dyana Lunaris is the artist and she captured the ambience of the story in these wine glasses. If you have a moment to vote, click Here

Speaking of voting, I am also up for Author of the Month at
Fallen Angel Reviews along with several other great authors from Mardi Gras Publishing. If you could take a moment to vote for the author you think best represents the contest, I'd sure appreciate it!
Who can resist a sale on Egyptian Cotton?. Right now it's on sale at Fictionwise for 15% off. Get wrapped up in Egyptian Cotton and feel the luxurious heat.

Question of the Day There are some actors who I feel have very sexy, distinct voices and I could listen to them all day. Some of my favorites include Jeremy Irons, Christopher Walken, Hugh Jackman, Antonio Banderas, Pierce Bronsnan, Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, Tim Curry, Christopher Lee, and Ian McKellan. Who could you listen to all night?

Newsletter running late, but will be out soon. I'm behind on everything right now thanks to a story that refused to let me be.
In the news, I was sad to learn of the passing of Steve Irwin. Best known as the Crocodile Hunter I enjoyed his enthusiasm and appreciated his love of animals. He leaves behind a son, a daughter, and his wife Teri who was also born in Oregon - same as me. Whatever opinion you may have of him, you gotta give the guy credit for all that he's done for animals, and his enthusiasm was contagious. After watching him tackle so many other dangerous creatures, I started to think he was invincible. He will be greatly missed.

HELLO! That candle is gorgeous!
Yeah, Steve Irwin's death came as a shock. I thought he was invincible too, and his over-the-top personality was sometimes a bit too much but his heart was in the right place. He had a lot of passion for Wildlife. It's a great loss, isn't it?
Um... who could I listen to? Of course Johnny Depp and Hugh Jackman. Oh, they're at the top of the list that's for sure... you know, there's someone I can't think of at the moment who's got a wonderful voice. Darn it! :)
The candle is very pretty! Steve Irwin's death was a shock, is that what they call poetic justice? I don't mean to sound callous, but he has tempted fate so many times before and an other known placid stingray kills him? It is very sad though. I feel sorry for both his kids.
The actor I could listen to all night? Two: Matthew McConaughey, I drool at his southern drawl and Colin Farrell, when he lets his Irish accent out...oh my I think dirty thoughts! LOL I'm a huge sucker for accents!
With Love,
Thanks Y :) It's my favorite color - blue!!
I'm still bothered by his death - I feel I've lost a friend.
I loved Hugh in Kate and Leopold
"Fresh creamery butter...Farmer's Bounty" he could have smothered some on himself! lol
Hi Tara :) Wow - that is one sexy picture you have there, I'd like that woman to move out of the way a bit though ;) lol.
Yeah, it seems strange with such dangerous and vicious animals he's had contact with, it's a shame. My heart goes out to his family big time.
Matthew - yeah he's got a very unique voice and wouldn't mind him whispering sweet nothings to me :)
Hiya Stacy :) I forgot Sean!! What was I thinking?? He does give good voice! Oh and Gerard Butler - I'm really starting to like that guy
*hubba hubba*
THanks for stopping by sugar!!!
Sean Connery and James Earl Jones. I just loved his Darth Vader voice.
Sean Connery and James Earl Jones. I just loved his Darth Vader voice.
I agree with you - he died doing something he loved - I only hope the pain was minimal and that he went in peace
James Earl Jones - ah yes - quite the unique voice, nice and deep. Me likey!!! :)
Hey There!
This is Ahnazazi/Michele from Katie Mac's site. (although I'm not there as often as I used to be) I just wanted to let you know that I just got Egyptian Cotton!
What a cool idea!
You wrote in the story a mention of his brothers ... will there be more of these yummy guys or was Egyptian Cotton a stand-alone???
Anyway, Congrats!
Hey Jenn - we used to watch Crocodile Hunter all the time too, but unfortunately I got too busy and haven't seen it in over a year. I guess I figured he'd always be there or something.
Hi Michele!!! Oh it's wonderful to see you :) I'm thrilled you bought Egyptian Cotton and enjoyed it - it's one of my favorite stories :)
I've had several people ask about his brothers and another story - but I'm not sure at this time whether I will or not. It was meant as a stand alone, but the idea has crossed my mind. I promise to let you know if I do!!!
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