Happy Saturday all! Family and I are going out today, want to check out the seafood & wine festival and get some samples ;) Today I received an acceptance from Venus Press for my story Royal Delicacy. It's always exciting to receive acceptances! Need to print out the contracts and mail off today.
I also see that Private Dancer is still doing well in the paranormal charts at Whiskey Creek Press Torrid. I love the cover by Jinger Heaston. It also made it in the P&E Poll as #10 for best cover :)
May Reviews gives Private Dancer ****ExcellentMs Cory has scored another hit. Private dancer has elements of mystery, intrigue, and romance. The characters are well developed and believable. The flow is smooth, and the story intriguing. Ms. Cory has written a romance with extra elements to keep you tied to the pages; there is tension and suspense, and mystery throughout the story. I would have liked the sex scenes to be a little longer, but considering the length of this story it was an excellent read.
Reviewer: May
I love Jinger's covers too Ann. So great on the review! I finally got my copy in print! Now to read it real soon!
Enjoyed a lot!
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