Well, I'm thoroughly excited :) My paranormal erotic romance novella Secrets in the Annex is now available from Liquid Silver Books!
Secrets in the Annex
Liquid Silver Books
ISBN 1-59578-316-4
Available now!
Read excerpt: http://www.anncory.com/annex.htm
Buy here: http://tinyurl.com/ys63gq
Can the luck and love of a chimney sweep, be enough to rescue a woman, trapped in an annex that holds many dark secrets?
Kaelyn is a former maid who used to clean the annex for the Ruthferd’s. Ever since a terrifying fire broke out in the annex, she has been trapped within the chimney, desperate to get out. She waits for a man to rescue her in more ways than one, and breathe new life into her somber soul.
Rand enjoys his job as a chimney sweep and especially likes to work for the Ruthferd’s, a rich and prominent family in central London. He is asked to clean the fireplace and chimney inside the newly remodeled annex, though what he finds inside is more than ash and soot. A smoldering woman emerges from inside the fiery tomb and fuels him with passion.
Through his gentle touch, and her seductive moves, they are swept away in the heat of the moment, and forge a bond that goes beyond a lifetime.
Come discover the hauntingly dark Secrets in the Annex
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Emails will be kept at a minimum. You will also get dates of my book releases, hot pics in the Photos section, and did I mention some promotional items? Show your classy side and become a Lady Aphrodisiac!
Okay, I'm sorry, but I have to post this guy for selfish reasons only. HE'S HOT!

Isn't he delicious?! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
My February Newsletter will be out soon. Beginning with this month, I will be posting a sexy aphrodisiac recipe. Starting with my March newsletter, I plan to get my free read going again. It would seem that since the Google changeover, I can't get into my other blog - insert big, deep sigh, nor can I seem to have it recall what password I used for it. I also can't use a pretty template because I don't know how to install it thanks again to Google. Really, I was happier with it the way it was. LOL
Okay - don't forget about the blog contest. For more details be sure to scroll down to last week's post. And see!!!! I'm posting :) *tossing confetti*
Woah, hold those horses! What a picture of sophistication and talent. Yummy.
Yay! Tossing confetti woohoo! You always have the sparkly stuff I like LOL.
Hi Robyn - isn't he just...HOT...I mean, the guy is devastatingly handsome by all means possible!!! *gasp, pant, sigh* Absolute sophistication, and makes me want to rip those clothes right off him.
*fans self* Whew! I better get some cold water or something, LOL ;)
I tell ya, I live under a mountain of confetti. How can you not be cheered up when someone is tossing confetti around?? The stuff is a total smile bringer - it always brightens my day :)
*hugs sugar*
I Love the pictures your post on here. How can anyone not want to become a Lady Aphrodisiac! with the pictures you post and the stories you write...
I'M IN! :)
You aren't being selfish to share such a hottie with us, Ann :)
Woo-hoo! Congrats on the recent release, Ann!
Psst. You NEVER have to apologize for posting hotties! NEVER! lol
Thank you LLL :) I've always loved chimney sweeps, ever since Mary Poppins.
Thank you Laurie - and thank you for all your enthusiasm!! I'd love for you to be a Lady Aphrodisiac :)
I'm going to toss a whole bunch of confetti now!!! WOO HOO :)
Awww, thanks Cherie!!! While I can't deny getting excited at a naked male, my favorite will always be a handsome man in clothes. Tux man is my new fantasy, LOL
~Ann :)
THank you Kaisquared - I'm so glad you all appreciate fine men too. *hugs and confetti*
No more apologies for posting hotties - okay, got it. I've written it down, and I will comply.
I'm going to have to really hunt for another one as hot as Tux Man, you ladies don't make it easy ;) LOL
oh, oh, oh, Pick me! I wanna be a Lady Aphrodesiac.
Especially if we get yummy treats like Mr. Mercedes there!
A HUGE CONGRATS on your latest release!!! :D
Happy late V Day! Congrats on your new book!
Hi Ann
Congrats on the new release
Congratulations Ann on the new release!
And please don't hesitate to share those hottie pics, we can never have too many!
Oh yes yes, please keep sharing those hotties!! He IS delicious!! Totally DROOL worthy!!
Ashley A
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