Okay - mass confetti is flying around, so you don't want to keep your mouth open or your drinks uncovered. You know there's a party going on up in here ;) lol
I'm stoked beyond words that my first Ellora's Cave book is now available. Yes, I've stared at the homepage for longer than I care to share, and have bruises from pinching myself.
Four floors of erotic pleasure to endure on the Domwaiter – an old dumbwaiter with a kinky flair. Which floor will you stop at?
Next Floor Naughty by Ann Cory available now from Ellora’s Cave http://www.ellorascave.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=9781419910562
Next Floor Naughty by Ann Cory available now from Ellora’s Cave http://www.ellorascave.com/productpage.asp?ISBN=9781419910562
Blurb –
Davian arrives at a BDSM party, unsure of what to expect. She loves her fiancé, but the ongoing lack of sizzle in the bedroom raises some serious questions and makes her desperate for answers. Inside the Bentley Mansion, the atmosphere is charged with lurid sex, reminding her of a twisted adult version of Alice in Wonderland. Shown into a hallway, she is told to ride the Domwaiter, an old dumbwaiter with a kinky flair. Four floors of ultimate satisfaction guaranteed, how could she refuse?
When Liam finds the party invitation under Davian's pillow, he questions the validity of their relationship. Refusing to let another man touch the woman he loves, Liam gains access into the mansion and makes a deal with the owner of the house. With his identity a secret, Master Liam meets Davian at every floor.His mission is to make all her fantasies a reality and prove once and for all that he is the only man she'll ever need.
Read excerpt here: http://www.ellorascave.com/Excerpts/Excerpt_NextFloorNaughty.htm
Read excerpt here: http://www.ellorascave.com/Excerpts/Excerpt_NextFloorNaughty.htm
Cyber drinks for everyone - just mind that confetti ;) lol
~Ann Cory *tossing even more confetti*
~Ann Cory *tossing even more confetti*
I can't seem to find out if Master Liam is disguised so that Davian doesn't know who is fulfilling her fantasies. Wow, what a trip!!!
Yuck, cough, there I just removed the confetti from my drink; sorry!
Major congratulations to you! Yum, what a wonderful book! I'm sending cyber champagne your way.
Oh congratulations!!
Major congrats on your new release!
btw, I’ve been tagged for a meme by Lisa Andel and I’m passing it on to you. I’ve never done a meme before so I hope I’m doing it right.
Belated congrats on your first EC book, Ann! I know how awesome it feels.
You've been tagged, hon. Head over to my blog (http://sherrillquinn.blogspot.com) for details. :)
Ann!!! The cover is so hawt! I dropped by EC tonight and was browsing books, and that's how I found out about this new one. Let me tell ya...that cover LEAPS off the page. Roar! ^_^
Big congrats on the new book!
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