I have a slew of goals this year that I intend on accomplishing - one of which is better organization. I've fixed up my desk and have equipped myself with all kinds of tools to help me stay organized. I'll let you know if I have any kind of success in sticking to it, lol. I have an on and off again relationship with organization.

If you have any tips on how to stay organized - I'd love to hear!
Either today or tomorrow I need to take some time out to put away all the holiday decorations - which means then cleaning up the closet they all go into. That whole throwing stuff in there and then quickly closing the door before something falls thing - it's just not the way to go. Yes, I'm guilty of doing that - but only in that closet - I swear. lol
What have you all been up to? Was there one gift that was extra fantabulous that you received? Hubby really went above and beyond and gave me a beautiful butterfly diamond necklace and matching earrings. He got in trouble for how much he spent - but it's not like I could stay mad for long, they are breathtaking! My second favorite gift was a beautiful butterfly box - all sparkly and gorgeous from my son. The guys in my life know exactly how to make me smile :) *BG*
Also - thank you for all the wonderful Christmas cards - they were all so beautiful! I love cards :)
I think it's time for a little steam - don't you? How does this hottie rate with you? On the steam meter where do you think he belongs? 1 for Fizzle or at a 10 for Full Steam Ahead?

Because it's January - that means I have a new contest up at my website: Love Me Tender! For all the details on how to win a gift basket filled with romance in mind, be sure to click here: http://www.anncory.com/contest.htm
I suppose I should announce the winner of my December blog contest: What do you think? I'm sensing a lot of head nods - so I better get to it. The winner of a beautiful book thong and a copy of either Holiday Voices or Seducing Santa is - DENA!!! Please email me at anncory_erotica@yahoo.com with BLOG WIN in the subject line, along with your snail mail addy and which book you'd like! Congratulations Dena :)
If you haven't read my story Snowbound now is your chance to check it out in The Best of Torrid Teasers Volume 1 available in both ebook and print format from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid!

Stories included:
The Ice House by December Quinn
Snowbound by Ann Cory
Careful Wishes by Sherrill Quinn
All the Queen's Men by Anna J. Evans
Naughty Terra by Belita Renn
I Like It Like That by Kate Lang
Welcome to the House of Fun by Susan M. Sailors
Hot Stuff by Emma Sinclair
Dance With Me by Mary Ongjoco Chapman
I'm All E.A.R.S. by Anna Fallon
For an excerpt of my story Snowbound, click here: http://www.anncory.com/bestoftt.htm
Buy here link:
Today I have several edits to finish up, more updates, and a story to work on. I also need to do some cleaning and vacuuming - I know, I'm just all about fun, lol.
I wanted to thank everyone for the nice comments you left in my last post about loved ones who have passed away. It was tough this year, but I still celebrated my mom - so even though she wasn't physically with me, she was there in spirit, and it allowed me to remember all the good times we shared. Your thoughtfulness and sincerity was very much appreciated and gave me warm fuzzies. Thank you.

If you have a MySpace account, please be sure to let me know so that I can add you! To check out mine, please click here: http://www.myspace.com/ann_cory - if you add me I will add you back! I'm going to be posting there more often - fingers crossed ;)
I'd say it's time for a New Blog Contest - don't you? For the chance to win an ebook copy of either Drinyian or Blame the Rain, and a book thong, all you need to do is post on my blog from now until the 16th of January. I'll announce the winner on the 17th. It doesn't have to be much - just a nice hi, how are ya always works - I'm always happy to hear from you guys :)

My newsletter will be out next week, so be sure to sign up for it and enter my newest contest!
I better go and get some work done. Have a great hump day!!!
*HUGE wave from downunder*
So glad to hear that you enjoyed the holidays. I was thinking and worrying about you, hoped that it wouldn't be too hard on you. Looks like your hubby and son sure managed to put a smile on your face. They sound very sweet.
Well, things are cool down here. Literally COOL. I mean, it's supposed to be the middle of summer and it feels like autumn most days. :/
I've finally gotten stuck into the writing again. You know what it's like during the holiday season and I kinda got swept up in the blah-blah of it all. :D
Anyway, take care and it's always GREAT to hear that you're doing well.
Good luck with the organising, BTW!
I'd say that 'hottie' deserves a 10!
Good luck with your organizing.
A '10' from me for the hottie.
I love butterflies; I imagine your presents were spectacular. Kudos to you.
Hi Ann, Love your new hottie, just the way I like 'em. Definitely a 10.
Best wishes for a wonderful 2007. Health, success and happiness.
Almost everybody is talking this year about how much he's going to be organized..so you're actually not alone out there.. it seems like we're all going to work on that in 2007.. glad that you've had a wonderful time during holidays..Hope that 2007 will be all filled with happiness and joy for you and your family..Happy New Year.
Hey Darling! :D
Posting a comment for your contest, just cause I luvs ya, and cause I want that Driyinan book! hehehe ;)
Louise xox
Happy New Year! Great blog and love your site. Happiness and success for 2007.
Hey Girl, just stopping by to say Happy New Year. Are we friended on myspace? I'm on there.
HAPPY NEW YEAR and I'm loving the eye candy!
sounds like you did well in the prezzie department. Good luck with the organization and if you do well pass along some good tips to us. And that guy rates at least a 7 on the steam scale. Can't go higher without seeing more lol.
Happy New Year Ann from Ireland (where it is FREEZING right now!)
That is some nice eye candy, Ann. I love a nice set of abs. Phew! Glad to hear you enjoyed your holiday despite missing your mother. It's good you had your hubby and son to help with that. Hope you're having a great start to a new year. :-)
that hottie is getting an 8 from my scale..sexy but you can't really tell if he's really hot over the collar.. :)
Hi Ann,
So glad you had a wonderful Christmas. Heres wishing you a Happy New Year. If you find a good organization system, please let me in on your secret. lol I need to organize my stuff also. My DH got both of us a 21" moniter for Christmas. His is hooked up, but I still need to clean up my area before I can hook mine up. I give the hottie a 10. I have an myspace and am already added to yours.
THANK YOU ANN,I look forward to my prize. I hope you and everyone else has a wonderful new year.Don't put me in the draw since I just won ok.
Hi Ann,
Just stumbled across your website today and consider me officially hooked! Can't wait to read more!
Happy New Year and great blessings for the new year!
Hi Ann, how are you doing today? It was really cold here where I live yesterday. I am not used to that, it is usually hot. Left a message on your myspace. Take care.
WOW! Where DO you find all these yummy torsos? They make me drool!!!
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