It's a Monday so it's time for a Write Motivation check in!
I had a great week but found I had to pull a lot more hours trying to get the current WIP all polished and ready to submit. As a result I got up very early and wrote late into the night more times than I care to. It worked okay, but I don't think I can sustain that. Being almost finished (I'm thinking Tuesday at the latest) I will be glad to move onto the other WIPs that have had to wait on the sidelines.
My March goals are as follows:
1) Edit minimum 6 pages, 4 days per week
2) Write for minimum 30 minutes 6 days per week
3) Update blog minimum 4 days per week
4) Social Network/blog comments minimum 3 days per week
5) Read minimum 30 minutes per day
6) Study craft minimum 30 minutes per day
7) Eat well, drink water, move body every day
I accomplished:
1)I spent each day doing deep edits to get the novella polished. I definitely went beyond what I'd set for myself, which was supposed to be the healthier route to go. It's sort of a double-edged sword. This coming week I'd like to spend more time writing.
2)Between two WIP's I've written 10k, which is fine, but really I spent the most time on edits so I didn't expect the number to be high.
3)I've blogged everyday this week. Guess I have things to say for a change? We'll see how it goes.
4)I spent some time schmoozing. I visited more friend's blogs this past week which made me feel good. I always feel terribly rude when someone stops by and I don't return the favor. It's just good manners, you know? My momma did teach me better. I will continue to make rounds and visit friends.
5)Lots of reading :) I finished Changes, A Blue so Dark, Hostage, and am halfway done with Two Minute Rule by Robert Crais. I read A Blue so Dark in a day - terribly hard to put down! Great YA!
6)I'm doing a workshop this week on synopsis writing, because I don't do well with those at all. I need to change that. Always learning :)
7)I've eaten well, had plenty of water, and this week I made the extra effort to workout. I did yoga one day, and interval training 3x's this week. I promise to keep this up. Especially with warmer weather on its way.
I am not a fan of turning the clocks forward. Just saying. Nothing good comes from losing an hour.
So this week I should have the WIP polished and sent out to Beta readers and CP's. I hope to spend more time writing, and yes...working out. Like it or not I need to make my health a priority. *sigh*
So what is Write Motivation?
Write Motivation is a wonderful group of lads and ladies who are super supportive, inspiring, creative, talented, and highly motivating. They are keeping me on my toes. And if I'm having a low point or what-not, they help boost my spirits :) You can hang with us at #writemotivation on Twitter or stop by the above link to learn more. We'd love for you to join us!
Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you a goal-busting week ahead!
~Ann Cory
WOW! You've really rocked it this week! I couldn't imaging doing all that! Staying up late after getting up early...well, let's just say I'm getting old. Can't do it anymore. And how the heck do you read so much IN A WEEK??!! Seriously, I guess I have the attention span of a 5 year old. LOL Maybe that's my problem. Attention span of a 5 year old, combined with the energy level of an 80 year old. w00t, go me! :D
So proud of you for accomplishing your goals, and more!
You're doing AWESOME! I need to get myself this productive, but it's hard between family hard-times, and work, and just general staying not go more insane.
I have done the going to bed late, staying up early thing too, and it's rough. You're almost through, though! You can sleep tomorrow :D
Aww, thanks LadyJai! Afternoons are my worst. I'm both a night owl and an early morning riser. Afternoons are a fight. But yeah, this week I'm looking forward to not being so immersed in one project. It will be edited and I can move on. For now anyways, lol.
You are full of energy and it's great - so infectious - love it! And love that you stopped by :) Thank you! *hugs*
Thank you Rebekah! That deep polish edit stuff is...oy...total brain drain. So close to being done and joining the real world again :)
I'm sorry you had a rough week, but I can tell from that smile in your pic that you're a strong woman and have a ton of love and support surrounding you. Like me!! :) *hugs*
You are a busy bee..You know I will always kick your but if need be..LOL..You work hard so I know I won't have to...
Good job on your goals, Ann! Woot! :D That is a really impressive set of goals you've got there and it is really inspirational to see someone doing a lot and not frying themselves on it. #writemotivation rules! :D
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